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Podcast reviews!

After much editing and recordings (and re-recordings), I finally made available a couple of podcast reviews. Yes, audible ones (please refrain from judging my voice)

Links are below:


Dead Rising 2 Podcast

For those who don't know what podcasts are, go here.

Gamescom 2011

Gamescom, one of the world’s largest gaming and entertainment convention will be held in Cologne, Germany, from August 17-21, 2011. Of course, I wish I could go, but for those who would like to get updates on what’s new and happening there, G4 will be covering a lot of it, as will Gamespot. Links are provided below:

G4 Coverage

Gamespot Coverage

Just watched a demo gameplay on the Wizard class in Diablo, and it looks to me like his powers seem….mediocre. Maybe it’s the way that person was playing that class, I don’t know. Compared to the other classes’ awesome area-of-effect abilities and line-of-sight destruction, the wizard is probably the last class I’d choose for a fun gameplay experience in the upcoming third-person action RPG, but that remains to be seen when the game comes out, hopefully soon…

An abundance of scary imagery is present in Alice: Madness Returns and is not for the faint of heart. A few cinematic resembling those along the lines of the Saw movie series can leave your stomach churning. A truly captivating game to play, to say the least (if you’re into this action-adventure genre with horror elements).

Sheesh, the bosses in Dead Rising 2 are sooo hard to beat! That’s because they take away one life pip for every hit they land on you. Sigh, need to level up quickly to get more pips in order to survive longer. Gosh, hate that time limit they put on quests, too. Guess I can’t save everyone.

Anno 1404 – Conclusion

Well-made game. Although there wasn’t multiplayer, I still had a great time spending hours squeezing as much resource buildings and residents onto islands, distracted as I was from the main quest line for most of the gameplay. Yes, it was that captivating; just like the good ol’ Sim City back in the day.
Beautiful music, decent voice acting, and nice graphics put this game at one of my best in economy-based games. Its expansion, Anno 1404:Venice brings the multiplayer feature into the game, and that’s awesome (and expected).

Anno 1404

Anno 1404, AKA Dawn of Discovery, is an RTS game, focusing more on economy micro-management. When the game started up, I was amazed at the awesome orchestral soundtrack. Heck, I was more fascinated by the music than the game at that point. Not only does it have a captivating BGM, its graphics were smooth as baby’s skin. Designers incorporated still images that shift in front of each other to create that 3D effect, which was pretty cool to look at. Minor details were inserted tactfully, such as the smoke from a cigar, sounds of seagulls, splashes as a ship cuts through the water, etc. Off the bat, this game is gonna be good….really good.

Okay, after all that hype on for Hunted: The Demon’s Forge, Gamespot gives it a 4.5 rating. Whoa. That’s kinda harsh, isn’t it, Gamespot? Put a game up on a pedestal, and then hit it down with a wrecking ball. Hunted’s not a bad game. Yes, it could use some fine-tuning in game-play mechanics, such as gold automatic pickup, and perhaps allows the player to re-distribute the skills during an adventure. Maybe the dodging of attacks isn’t all that useful, and maybe there’re a few AI navigation problems, but a 4.5 after all that hype is just wrong.

I personally liked the gameplay as E’lara, the cute elven chick with a sarcastic sense of humor and a fear of height. The game somehow incorporated a somewhat-working-auto-aim-at-the-body for the bow and arrow. Quite fun, when you drink the Sleg and start wailing out arrows like there was no tomorrow.

Graphics? Commendable. If only it’s a open world exploration…

Sound? Rather good. There are some funny moments in the conversation between the two mercs.

IGN gave it a 6.0, CheatCodeCentral gave it a near-60%. Gamespot totally trashed it. Aside from the annoying little glitches in Hunted, the fact that Gamespot gave a 4.5 to this decent game added to that annoyance.